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Harman Advisory May Newsletter

Welcome to our first newsletter. For anyone who employs staff, our first article is a must-read in relation to what you can tell your employees about super. We have also included information about the issues that can blemish your credit rating.

We take a look at a few options you could explore once you have paid off your mortgage. Our article about becoming suddenly single looks at statistics and case studies about women that find themselves single and unprepared. Included in the newsletter is an interesting article for seniors and planning.

We hope the discussion on having a positive mindset provides you with inspiration this month.

To arrange a review or to speak to one of our team, please contact this office on 02 9150 9555 or




James Z. Harman Dip. F.S


What can you tell your employees about super?

It’s a common question asked by employees: “what should I do about my super?

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How to protect your credit rating

If you think that being only a few days late making a payment on a loan doesn’t matter, think again. Even the smallest lapse could potentially affect your credit worthiness.

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You've paid off your mortgage! Now what?

Paid off your mortgage? Woo-hoo! Break out the champagne and celebrate the freedom you must now feel! But once the dizzy excitement has passed, what will you do next?

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Managing the “suddenly” of “suddenly single”

Single women make up a growing demographic for many different reasons.

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Why a Positive Mindset Makes All the Difference For Your Health (and how to achieve it)

By Helen Sanders

Positive thinking: an optimistic brain pattern that is often written-off as hippie behavior. This seemingly carefree way of navigating life is far more powerful, helpful and impactful than many may imagine.  Read full article >>

Research hopes to reveal what factors impact the financial decisions of seniors

The financial health of older Australians has been a hot topic and one that a researcher at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is looking to “shed light” on the factors that contribute to good financial decision making.

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